adriana lucianoThe Principal investigator Professor Adriana Luciano is a Full Professor at the University of Torino. She has long been studying the issues concerning knowledge workers, job classifications and the associated required qualifications with specific focus on the labor market entry of tertiary graduates. She has supervised many research group projects in this field as director of the FRAME-COREP (Consortium between the University of Torino and the Polytechnic). She is currently coordinating five research teams working at the project “Enriching Regional Innovation capabilities in the Service Economy”. She is the founder and manager of the "Atlante delle professioni", an innovative project started in 2008-09 in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, ISTAT (National Statistical Institute) and ISFOL (agency of the Ministry of Labour on Vocational Training), aiming at overcoming the inadequacies of standard job classifications. The aim is to provide young students with an updated practical and detailed description of potential job pathways and careers and their links with tertiary educational choices.

Since 2005 she is the top level manager for the Job Placement counselling and service offices of the University of Torino. Since 2010 she is the representative for the University of Torino in the AlmaLaurea Consortium.